Taking Advantage of Postponing Your Wedding

So, you’ve had to postpone your wedding. It’s a bummer, that’s for sure. However, I’m a huge fan of turning lemons into lemonade, so I’ve come up with a list of ways to take full advantage of postponing your wedding!


Reassess Your Budget

You might suddenly find yourself with an extra 6-12 months before your big day. This means that you have extra time to save and plan your finances! It might also mean that you can now afford something that wasn’t originally in the budget.


Details, Details

It’s no secret that the some of the more personal touches take the most time! Perhaps you were dreaming of writing handwritting notes on the back of everyone’s place card? Or maybe you really wanted to put together a seating chart with a polaroid photo of everyone? Now you have more time to complete all of those personal little touches that you might have been racing against the clock for before!


Longer Planning Timeline

Oh hello, stress-free planning process, is that you? Chances are if you were planning to get married this year, you already had a lot of the big stuff done! Take a look at the remaining to-do items and spread them out over the rest of your timeline. Boom! Your monthly to-do’s have been reduced and you can enjoy the rest of the process, stress-free!


The Perfect Getting Ready Location

Getting ready at home? Now you have extra time to get some of those “around the house” projects tied up before the big day! This means that you can set up the perfect bridal suite right in your own home. You might even end up saving some money by not needing to rent somewhere to get ready!


Twice The Anniversaries

You know I’m a sucker for celebrating all of the things, right? Now you have TWO wedding anniversaries – your “would-have- been-wedding” anniversary and your new date! Pop champagne, get dressed up and dance in your kitchen – your love will always be worth celebrating.


So there you have it, friends! Five awesome ways to turn lemons into lemonade (or tequila shots). Have you come up with any creative ways to take full advantage of postponing your wedding? Share them below in the comments so other brides and grooms can see them!

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